“Exciting highlights of promoting Chinese Culture, National Education, and the Anji Play”


School Mission

  • Fostering a balanced development in the five domains and whole-person education
  • Learning through Play
  • To instil values and attitudes to respect, appreciate and cherish the environment and nature
  • Appropriate integration of IT equipment to assist learning and teaching

Highlights of Anji Play

Course features

The Anji Play Pedagogy

Our school was invited to participate in the “Hong Kong Anji Play Learning Circle Program” in December 2019. These are only 20 kindergartens had been invited. Integrating the “Anji Play” teaching characteristics into our existing teaching conditions appropriately, and the essence of “child centeredness, learning through Play” to optimize play-based teaching and reduce restrictions of games.

Quality Education Fund

We have been committed to promoting moral education, and we were awarded a grant from the Quality Education Fund. This school year (2020/2021) will implement the “My Pledge to Act – Expressing gratitude, to cherish, be proactive and optimistic”  learning activity to cultivate positive values and attitudes from childhood.

Multiple Intelligence


The multiple intelligence class is an extra curriculum. The class include: Wu Shu for kids, abacus, gymnastics, painting, Cambridge English, recitation, Phonics, Lego

Application for Admission

Please submit the application form with attached documents in person during office hours or by post.
